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A member registered Mar 08, 2017

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Thanks for a fast answer I'm glad my remarks were of assistance. And I wish you a great week as well.


thank you kindly for a free game. I like space and base building games so this was right up my alley. I played the game for about an hour. I liked the movement of the ship and the blasts of sentry towers. The game has a potential but there are some bugs/flaws;

1. Splashing logo every time you go to main menu gets old really fast, especially because you can's skip past it instantly. This would  be fine if there wasn't a bigger problem.
2. Main menu music IS TOO DAMN LOUD and doesn't feel like it fits into the game, what's worse you can't mute it.
3. The game doesn't message very well functions of furnace and factory. What I mean by that is it took me a while to notice you can change recipies.
4. Scroling and clicking isn't limited to an opened window but it's global. What I mean by that is I open the main station window to research a technology and furnace menu opens because it was under the window.
6. Production limit doesn't limit the total inventory number just local one.
5. Build menu could have available number of buildable stations.
6. Sentry towers feel like they're shooting depth charges.
7. If you build furnace/factoryies close to one another collision model doesn't match up with the size of the icon.
8. After building a few stations/towers (around 100) the game became a slide show. I suspect constant refreshing of main station menu + the number of cargo pods and sentry tower missiles.
9. Final gripe I played this game for an hour, buildt up a huge base and didn't find a single surviror to save :(.
Don't take my criticisms to heart I just want to play more of this game.

It's ok :)

I thought I'll have to replace the speakers.

It's a nice idea but it's way too hard.

A nice spooky shooter. Except for shotgun sound which si way too loud.